Thursday night at our EGA meeting we are going to look at these little pillows and finish stitching ours. I got the smallest pattern from Auntie's Attic and the one next to it.
I stitched the big one with a Dinky Dye silk called Airlie and Whitsunday. The littlest one was stitched with WDW Confetti.
Now to the biggest one. It is a Barbara Ana design and it has been put together once and I spilled my drink on it. Washed it immediately and when it dryed it was wrinkled so I took it apart and washed and ironed it again. I have not put it back together yet. Fact is, I misplaced it after I took the picture. But don't worry it is still here!!! Among all my stash!
This little one looks like it would be hard to put together but it was a snap. They are easy to stitch and easy to put together.
I love the squirrel and acorns piece.I immediately thought of the Go,Go Gophers! Remember them? I think that came on with Tennesee Tuxedo.Been too many years ago!